Saturday, December 15, 2012


The Execution of GOMBURZA

I guess everyone knows the part of the three Filipino priests namely, Mariano Gomez, Jose Apolonio Burgos and Jacinto Zamora in the history of our country but I think not everyone remember them. The three martyr priests were killed because of the wrong accusations of the people around them. The good thing is that the execution of GOMBURZA became a great effect for the Filipino people to become one. The Filipino people fought for the justice of GOMBURZA, but they were wrong with the part of waiting for the GOMBURZA to die before they planned to fight with the Spaniards. I can compare the GOMBURZA's life to my story. The story was between me and my friends. Before, I and my friends sometimes encounter arguments. Until one day, one of my friends decided to stay away from us for the sake of our friendship, because she thought that if she will stay away from us, peace of minds will exist. After that moment, I and my other friends maintain the peacefulness within our friendship. We did it for the sake of our other friend, who sacrificed to stay away from us because she know that it is the only way for our friendship to stay strong. From then, I actually believed with the quote that says, "Not everything that is broken can be put back together." That’s why I want to tell those people out there that they should not wait for someone to be gone before they make the right thing.

The Birth of My Codename :)

 Honestly, I just followed my codename to my username because I was mentally blocked and that's why I decided to have "mmaematsz" as my codename. The first letter "m" stands for my first name, MERRY and it is followed by MAE, my second name. And for the last part, "matsz" stands for my family name, MATA. I don't really know why letter “a” was replaced by letter “sz”. All I know that the way it was spelled is great.

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